

At DogFest, we will have lots of activities that your pup can take part in! From Dock Diving, to Talent Shows to agility, We have something for every dog to enjoy! Sign your dog up for these activities below to avoid disappointment!


Dock Diving

Dogs compete in jumping for distance from a dock into a body of water. If your dog is a strong swimmer and loves fetching tennis balls, this is the event for them!


Dogs Got Talent

Does your dog have an impressive talent or trick? Dogs Got Talent at DogFest will be a showcase of talented dogs!

We will have prizes for the most talented dogs from our lovely vendors on the day!


Fashion Show

Do you think your dog will be the best dressed at DogFest? Does your dog have a favourite outfit? Why not enter them in our 12pm Best Dressed Dog Fashion Show! Prizes to be won on the day.